Written by    Gabby     

she  •  her        30+  .

DISCLAIMER I do not own Mulan nor the original content related to her. She is extremely headcanon based, with my own created lore with influences taken from    historical lore  ,  novel adaptions  ,    with minor influences from  film adaptions & xianxia    that do not have relation to the character herself. Please note, that there is  little to no influence made with  Disney's Interpretation.

   General Information     

behind the scenes  .

I am very headcanon based, as I put a lot of time to research cultural refences and continue to strive to learn to better mold my muses. I also take the time to plot and flush out my muses characteristics, so some things are bound to change and will be updated accordingly.: I do not have many triggers, except for two: ZOMBIES. No I can't explain it, but they freak me out. The second trigger is POLITICS, I grew up in a household where this brought up a lot of fights between family members and so I do not reblog anything this personal on my RP blogs.
: This blog may sometimes be low activity depending on my moods. Please note that I am married that I promised my husband I would not spend all day here on tumblr, so responses may be sporadic.
: I should warn you, I do have ADHD and I am dyslexic ( i'm clearly a demigod ). JK - but no seriously, I get easily excited over things, such as plots, threads & muses. Please let me know if you need me to dial it back, as I do not mean to do it, but it just happens.
: I am a PRIVATE , SOME-WHAT EXCLUSIVE & SELECTIVE. Meaning I will only write with mutual's or people I follow.
: If I follow you it means I want to roleplay with you so feel free to go ahead and tag me in starters, send me asks, turns asks into threads and so on. I legit love it when that happens.
: You do not have to match my style of writing/formatting but I do expect some level of effort. I don’t want to write a novella reply and get three sentences in return.
: When it comes to writing, my preferred style is MULTI-PARA and NOVELLA responses. I write in small font and use icons which you do not need to match.
: ALL ICONS, graphics and blog images are made by me, PLEASE DO NOT STEAL.
: I am extremely open to OC's, SIDEBLOGS and CROSS-OVER's. I love developing my muses in new universes and seeing what we can create together. However, that being said, I am picky about OC’s. There needs to be a detailed bio for them or I will not interact.
PLEASE NOTE:: I do not own Mulan nor the original content related to her. I simply RP the character & edit the images & make my icons from screencaps found from tv shows, live updates from Zhao Lusi who is my Mulan's faceclaim... Please do not steal any images from my blog, because I have edited them myself.
: I re-vamped my Mulanfrom her early 2000s version of her, and have since been writing my own headcanon based Mulan since very early 2020, when I had her on a multi-muse for a month or so and moved her over to one of her individual blogs.
ALL HEADCANONS or POST ARE MADE BY ME & THEY ARE NOT FOR PUBLIC USE. This is my interpretation of Hua Mulan, which will be canon divergent due to the fact I DO NOT FOLLOW plots from the Disney films. My interpretation is mixed with legend, lore, and various novel adaptations. There will be extremely light influences by the animation & live action adaptation's. I also take influences from the various xianxia that I watch.

   Writing tibids     

etiquette & responses .

: NO GODMODING unless discussed OOC wise.
: This is a HATE FREE blog. Meaning I will not participate in call out posts, hate speech or anything of that nature.
: No guilt trips into RPing.
: Please be patient with me ! I can be slow to get replies out due to; stubborn muses, I accidentally missed the post/reply either in my notifications or drafts or real life kept me from writing.
: If you don’t want to continue a thread, please let me know. i will try to give the same curtesy in return, but sometimes i just miss the post & i am sorry.


& smut .

: I am a CHEMISTRY based shipper, which means our muses must have threads going where you can see the chemistry happening, or else I don't see it ( and both mun's have to approve ).
: One ship that will not be happening on this blog is: Mulan x Shang. I find their relationship within the films to be a bit disturbing ( especially the second film & his attitude towards her ). I am not open to talk about this ship, even if you are a shang blog. This is a personal preference, please respect it.
: I have been known to be a MULTI-SHIPPER. But please note I am very picky about my ships with Mulan as she is not looking for a romance option right away.
Please try to understand I am not trying to come at you hard with my rules, but because I've had people do this to me in the past, I have to place this in my rules to protect myself:: No pre-established relationships unless discussed first.
: DO NOT push ships on me. If I find you RPs with me only to do a ship, I am going to get annoyed & most likely block.
: I personally believe that for any ship to work or to last, build-up is required. If a ship does happen, just know that I might be a little excited for it & I will talk about it as much as possible.
: If you want a ship with me, we need to talk often OOC.
: DO NOT come at just because Mulan is considered "pretty". It won't end well & it is very easy to spot as it is a sudden ship that came out of nowhere.
: As far as Smut goes, I am no longer writing it on this blog. Personally, Mulan no longer feels comfortable with it being on the dash & I do not want to write it anymore on tumblr when it comes to her. Sorry.

━━━━━━    The Rules    ━━━━━━

   If I Do Not     

follow your blog  .

Before I follow a blog, I like to read about your muses & what type of blog I am dealing with, thus your RP's, considering I am a RP blog.I MAY NOT FOLLOW YOU FOR CERTAIN REASONS. Such as:: If you are a porn blog or an unknown personal blog i will be blocking you. please do not take this personally, this is for my own comfort considering i find blogs like these tend to interact with my blog by cluttering up my notifications.
: Too many OOC posts.
: If I can't find an RP response within the first 4 pages.
: NO CUTTING OF POSTS, seriously this drives me up a wall & clutters up the dash board.
: No about page for your Muse(s).
: Continuous call out posts & or vague posting.
: Something I don't agree with in your rules, or I feel we don’t vibe.
: Also while on the subject, my eyes are extremely sensitive to mixtures of some colors and brightness... if I can't read your rules or about page, I won't follow.
: VERY RARE but it does happen. If I can't see how our muses will interact.


your blog .

UNFOLLOWINGS DO HAPPEN & I do not owe an explanation as to why when it does happen, so please do not harass my partners. However, here are some of the reasons as to what could lead me to stop following in general:: If you post a lot of Anon Hate.
: If you do not CUT YOUR POSTS. It makes the dash not clean & honestly, it makes it look like you aren't even trying.
: too many call out posts & or vague posting.
: If you send something that will upset me, such as “policing”, political views, faceclaim hate, etc.
: DO NOT harass me on IM for replies and whatnot. You can send the reminder like once or so but I swear I will get to you, i just happen to RP slow.
: If I see any form of: TRANSPHOBIA, NAZISM, ANTISEMITISM & of course RACISM. I will not tolerate hate of any kind & if I see it, I will BLOCK.


to my blog .  .

these are my fellow RPers here on tumblr who i write with often and can often be seen mentioned within my threads. please note that these affiliates have approved of me adding them to my list and are okay with me talking about their muse in other threads that I have.

MuseBlogStatusWritten by
Lan SizhuibattleguqinDefault Exclusive ShipNyx
Rand Al'thorcaracarnnExclusive ShipFish.
Kurosaki IchigoorangeshinigamiExclusive ShipBibis.
Mat CauthonluckhissoulExclusiveliz.
Queen AnnasparesovereignExclusiveRaven
Higurashi Kagomeka-go-meMainMeaghan


goes to .

: fan art from the Untamed. Wheel of Time and Inuyasha as well as others are present due to faceclaim usage by others (and myself) . All credit goes to their original creators. I only edit to fit blog aesthetics. If you are the artist, please let me know if you wish me to take it down or give credit as I am more then happy to do so.
: PSD coloring by Ikthex.

━━━━━━    Character Study    ━━━━━━


the fènghuáng .

  name  : Hua Mulan | 花木蘭
  titles  : General Hua | Heroine Hua | Heroine Hua Mulan
  aliases  :
male disguise: Hua Jun (male disguise)
female disguise: Feng Lian (Feng meansMaple, phoenix& Lian means, lotus).
  gender & pronouns  : CIS Female. She | Her | Hers.
  sexual orientation  : Demisexual.
  romantic orientation  : Panromantic.
  birthday  : April 26
  age  : 18 + (verse dependent ) | 5,621 (goddess)
  chinese zodiac  : dog.
  hour of birth  : Tiger (4:30am).
  zodiac sign  : Taurus. Sun in Aries | Moon in Cancer | Ascendant is Aquarius
  species  : Human | Phoenix
  nationality  : Chinese
  ethnicity  : Chinese
  religious belief  : Buddhism
  scents  : Lotus flower, Cherry Blossom and or Magnolia.
Other : Blood, fire and Ash.
  blood type  : O Negative
  marital status  : verse dependent.

  place of birth  : Lanzhou, China.
  current home  : verse dependent.
  known languages  : Chinese (primarily Mandarin, does know Cantonese), Japanese, Korean & English. she is currently learning more on her free time.  occupation  :
past : farm girl, soldier of the Imperial army Imperial, War General & agent to the Emperor.
modern : Student studying computer science

  hobbies  : Martial arts (training), horseback riding, going out to eat, baking, traveling, drawing, dancing, playing the flute or guzheng & singing.  favorite colors  : Red, pink purple & white.
  instruments  : GuZheng & Flute.


of hua mulan .

  face claim  : Zhao Lusi  hair  : Long thick straight jet black hair that goes past her lower waist in modern, but in the past goes past her bottom.
  eyes  : Appears to be black, but is actually dark brown. She has 20/20 vision.
  height  : 5'1" (154.94cm ).
  weight  : 106 lb (lean muscles). This weight is only when she is eating healthy, she has a hard time gaining weight to this point.
  build  : Endomorph, Mulan is lean & petite in nature, but more on the thin side. She has a small curvy figure to her. There is zero fat on her, however as she has more muscle mass because of her strict training routine.
  complexion  : She has fair skin, that leans more towards the pale side.
  birthmark  : a beauty mark on the left side of her nose.


of hua mulan .

Food (especially sweets & very spicy). Her family, friends & loved ones. To either by herself or in a crowd of her most trusted loved ones. Weapons (especially knives, daggers, bows and swords). Training with various weapons and her body as well as mind. Cherry Blossoms & Lotus flowers. Drawing.
Bitter tastes, Liars, Cowards, people who refuse to listen to reason. Those who would purposefully harm another. Sexism. Failing.
Bringing dishonor to her family, being a failure, hospitals (she has a great distrust of doctors ), swimming in the ocean or places she can't stand in, losing someone she loves.

   Health & Traits     

of hua mulan .

War Crimes & Torture (she won’t talk about this ). Loss of family & friends. Near death experiences. Betrayal by friends & blood relatives.
mental health
Undiagnosed Depression. Acute Stress Disorder, Fear of Abandonment, Eating Disorder (she tends to stop eating when triggered) and Nightmares Disorder.
Undiagnosed Depression. Acute Stress Disorder, Fear of Abandonment, Eating Disorder (she tends to stop eating when triggered) and Nightmares Disorder.
Kind Hearted, loyal, brave, willing to help others. Trusting. Ability to fight for what she believes in. Willing to do what is right.


of the warrior .

A Red Jade Spiritual Sword with the characters "Loyal, Brave, true & devotion to family" etched into it. This sword is a family heirloom.a Qi infused white silk ribbon (used in verses that have powers).A twin Red & Blue jade daggers hidden on her person.
bow & arrowher war spearon occasion staffs.

━━━━    Personal Headcanon    ━━━━

Mulan is a young woman of Chinese origin. She is a natural beauty, with dark brown eyes and straight, black hair that goes down past her waist. Oftentimes, she will wear her hair either partially up or fully down, depending on what she is wearing and the mood she finds herself in.The only time Mulan will wear her hair completely down outside of a modern verse, is if she is completely comfortable around someone and or getting ready for bed. Otherwise, she leaves it either partially up, to keep it from falling into her eyes or she has it fully in a bun (sometimes for when she goes into disguise, other’s to show she is ready for a serious battle ).At night, when she is getting ready for bed, she will wear a simple white sleeping dress, with her hair down or pulled slightly to the side. For the most part, she tends to enjoy sleeping in the nude, or with very little clothing because she gets night terrors that leave her drenched in sweat. She doesn't like to sleep with socks on, because she gets too heated in the evening.In modern verses, Mulan is more include to wear her hair down rather than up. However, she wears silk ribbons within her hair when she does put it up as she prefers this style over then anything too tight.

   Hair length     

& a small history lesson .

IMPORTANT NOTE: my Mulan will NEVER cut her hair short. No matter what verse or time period, her hair will always remain long in length.In ancient china, it was common for men to have long hair and wear it in certain styles. the only time anyone walked around with short hair, it was because they were a criminal and it was a form of punishment. Because of this Mulan can get away with having long hair while in the military and posing as a male. She might cover it up with a hat, or pull back completely.In modern verses, Mulan is more include to wear her hair down rather than up. However, she wears silk ribbons within her hair when she does put it up as she prefers this style over then anything too tight. it is important to know that even in a modern era, her hair is very long and she has no plans of cutting it.


& Colors .

Mulan is known to wear a range of outfits, from beautiful Hanfu’s (Chinese dresses ) to her soldier's getup, though her most notable outfits come from the original film. When she is expected to battle, she will either be wearing notable armor, either made of leather or the one her father used to own, as well as Kung Fu styled garments that give her easy access to movement. Known for her natural beauty, Mulan will rarely ever wear makeup, except when she is forced to go visit the matchmaker, or is expected to attend a function. Mulan wears the simplest of hairstyles, mostly a ribbon in her hair or a single ornament to add to her attire.Mulan will most likely NEVER wear yellow of any kind. She is not of royal blood & if anything, before her life working for the emperor of China, she was a former general's daughter, who was a farm girl. She prefers to wear more of a pastel colors, which ranges from white, blue, purple, light green, and pink. on occasion, she will wear black and reds.

   Battle Hanfu     

& armor .

When it comes to her battle armor, most times she will be wearing dark leather clothing that can easily take a hit. The patterns might have design aspects that you might see representing dragons and or phoenix’s, but it all just depends on the situation. Also when she is dressed for battle, her hair is always going to be in a tight ponytail, with either a ribbon tying it into place, or a silver & or gold headpiece that holds it together.This is to keep her hair out of her eyes & to keep her mind focused on the battle head. However, there will be times where she will fight in her hanfu as well.A more feminine look usually means having her hair down around her, and depending on the status of the family, jewels within her hair. the more jewelry, the more status it shows. In reference to this, Mulan likes to keep any jewelry that she might wear after the war, unless asked otherwise. This is because she views herself as a humble servant to the emperor, despite later becoming one of his top generals within the military.Each piece of jewelry that she will wear in her hair, will symbolize her feelings & or the season she wears something in. Despite the jewelry often shown in images, Mulan likes to keep things simple & wear ribbons within her hair to hold it from her face.The ribbons she chooses often match her outfit & within headcanons upon this blog. The ribbon often holds a piece of jewelry within her hair that doubles as a weapon should she need it.Now in case there was anyone who questioned if males during the time periods had long hair, the answer is yes. A male will leave his hair long to show his status as well. The only time it would be up is if he were of royal bloodline, because he would be wearing a crown like peace in his hair. Even then, they wear their hair partially up & the rest down even in fight scenes.


& scars .

Mulan is a warrior, which means due to her many times on the battlefield & because of her strict training, she has scars layered upon her.For the most part, they linger on her back & the scars are very small with a silver coloring to them which helps conceal them against her fair skin. SOMETIMES there on her shoulder as well, depending on the injury.However, due to the proper treatment, and because she has the ability to heal quicker then most, they are not as noticeable to the naked eye.THE MOST NOTICEABLE SCAR: Upon her lower left hip, within the pelvic inlet region close to where her ovary is, is a scar that has healed very poorly do the the lack of proper treatment. This is made from a sharp sword that was inflicted upon the battlefield, where she did not notice bleeding until it was too late. This was left untreated for some time, mostly her just covering it with a tight wrapping, because she had to get back into battle in order save those under her command.IN MODERN VERSE: the wound was inflicted upon her someone of whom her father made enemies with during his time in the military. This was inflicted on her on her fourteenth birthday, in a surprise attack in her home. She has no memory of how she got to the hospital for the treatment of it, but due to improper care, it has left a scar on her body.for more information please see this personal headcanon.

━━━━    Power of the Phoenix    ━━━━


of rebirth .

The phoenix. right to start this off with, this is going to be about the cultural aspect of the Phoenix & how it actually impacts Mulan & many of my verses for her. So if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.In the Western world, it is commonly called the Fènghuáng or simply Phoenix. In many mythologies, the creature has similar attributes within its nature. Within Chinese mythology, this is an IMMORTAL BIRD whose rare appearance is said to be an omen foretelling harmony at the ascent to the throne of a new emperor.Fènghuáng is often considered to signify BOTH male and female elements, such as in a yin-yang harmony. To fully go into detail, its name is a COMBINATION of the words FENG representing the MALE aspect an HUANG the FEMALE . The Fènghuáng appears to be a symbol of Confucian values, wearing the characters meaning VIRTUE, DUTY, RITUAL, COMPASSION and TRUST on various parts of its body.When it comes to the history of the Han Dynasty, the phoenixes remained separated, one a male and the other a female. Later, during the Yuan dynasty the two terms were merged to become fenghuang. If you take a look at various timepieces & including some cdrama’s, the fenghuang was often associated with the empress when paired with a **DRAGON ** representing the emperor. In ancient and modern Chinese culture, both the dragon and the phoenix can often be found in the decorations for weddings or royalty. The reasoning behind this is because Chinese culture considered the dragon & phoenix design symbolic of blissful relations between husband and wife.THE PROTECTOR: If she comes to value you as a friend | lover | family member, you can be DAMN WELL SURE, she will do everything within her power to protect you from harm, even if that means she gets hurt. Also, in many of my verses, she will sometimes serve as a guardian figure to diplomatic figures, thus fulfilling her role in that area as well.As we have seen, in the 2020 film, there is no dragon included, aka Mushu ( who don’t get me wrong, I love bits & pieces but if I were to be honest I'm kinda glad for it ). Why may you ask? I am going to point out my reasoning above. MULAN IS A PROTECTOR. She protects her family, her people & her country. She risks her life to save her father & brings honor to her family in a way that many other women dared not to do during her time. To go to the army, as a woman, is punishable by death. but not only does she go to war, but she becomes a WAR HERO & eventual general in the army.As we know from both cdrama’s & history, all phoenixes have some sort of power that emulates from within. I am going to make some exceptions for this, depending on who I RP with:: To begin with, she does not know she has them, unless it is a verse where she does such as the goddess, along with some AU’s. Most of the time, it is a spiritual thing & gives her the inspiration to move faster, creative thinking & guides her within battles. anyone who has powers, might be able to sense this within her, but the power is extremely faint until she is in danger.
: Another thing to note, Mulan does not often go to use her powers at first, she tries to use her skills within martial arts. Power is always a last resort.


energy .

: EMPATH: Mulan can interpret the emotions, moods, and temperaments of others without reading apparent symptoms, allowing her to understand introverts or discover one emotion is actually hiding another.
: FLORAL GIFTS: As part of her rebirthing gifts, flowers, especially lotus’ and cherry blossoms tend to grow faster and around her. Lotus', depending on where she is, tends to have a glow about them when she is around, feeding off of her energy.
: FIRE MANIPULATION: She can control, interact, move and shape fire to how she wants and wishes to use it.
: FIRE DETECTION: Mulan has the ability to sense the presence of heat & or fire in her vicinity.
: HEAT MANIPULATION: She has the ability to manipulate heat by increasing the kinetic energy of atoms and thus making things hotter, ranging from subjective feeling of heat to absolute hot
: FLAME SOLIDIFICATION: she can solidify her fire into a tangible form. Such as her flames can go from a bendable force to a solidified weapon should she choose.
: PYROKINETIC CONSTRUCTS: she is able to create weapons from her flames.
: FIRE NEGATION: she can negate fire and any fire-using attacks, ignoring their effects on her own person and stopping it's effects on others and or on objects.
: FIRE ABSORPTION: Mulan has the ability to absorb and utilize flames and heat.
: HELLS FLAMES: because Mulan is the granddaughter of the king of hell, her flames extend from the ten layers of hell. They are able to burn through the soul and are controlled through her mental state of mind. Her flames can burn underwater and she has at times been noted to have them change colors depending on the mood or the heat levels they are in.
With hellflame’s she can generate and manipulate the cursed flames of Hell. Hell-fire can cause excruciating pain upon contact or instead cause instant death. A benefit of using hellfire is that, due to its mystical nature and the fact that it tends to attack a person's spiritual essence in addition to their bodies, is that hellfire can be effective against durable targets or people with accelerated healing. As hellfire can attack the spirit or soul, it can inflict injuries that either don't heal or heal very slowly meaning that a critical attack could kill people that heal fast enough to shrug off normally instantly fatal injuries. It can also bypass or damage durable/invulnerable targets by either targeting the spirit/soul or because its magical nature trumps simple physical durability.
: HOLY FIRE: Mulan can shape and manipulate holy flames, which are especially effective against demons and other evil beings and are inextinguishable by normal means. It may also trap and or immobilize angels or demons, rather than killing them outright.
: FIRE: Mulan has the ability to manipulate and shape her fire to the benefit of nature, which can strengthens, enhances and causes anything & or everything it comes across to flourish, representing the sustaining and preserving side of fire, which in turn ignores most of the common limitations and weaknesses of its normal elemental variety. In essence, this is about solely controlling the pure positive powers of fire. (this goes for her ability with floral gifts)
: Chi / Qi Manipulation: Mulan can create, shape, and manipulate chi, a life-force energy that exists in all beings. By learning to harness this inner latent energy, she can gain superhuman capabilities and use them in cases of extreme combat. Some examples include physically manifesting all of her inner strength and unleashing it through sheer force of will.
The control of one’s chi can allow for extraordinary abilities, strength, speed, stamina, durability, and reflexes, or in some cases enabling the use of energy blasts, elemental manipulation, hyper-awareness, and sometimes invulnerability.


of a phoenix .

: RESURRECTION: Mulan has the ability to bring a soul back from death’s door, with limitations. It must be done within a time frame of 24 hours after the person has died, and when used it will heal the wounds inflicted upon the person.This will tire her & cause her to pass out due to the extreme energy loss.This ability is not one she likes to talk about, but those who have spiritual energy & or power can see an aura around her. If you watch the films, & see her in the main battles, you might actually understand better what I am talking about.: SEEING SPIRITS: Because of Mulan's heritage and the fact that the phoenix is a spiritual creature, Mulan has the ability to speak, hear and feel the presence of spirits around her, often mistaking the living for the dead.
: SPIRITUAL SYMBIOSIS: The power to manipulate the power of the spirit or creature that dwells within the user's body. This would be the phoenix within her.
: DANCE WITH DEATH: She has the ability to dance with the dead. To further explain this, my inspiration for this personal headcanon comes from The Sword of Truth Series, “Dance with Death”. Basically, she can hear the voices of the dead, almost like a spirit guide, but through the phoenix. In this “Dance” her mind is completely on the battle, she moves swiftly & true.
She does not hesitate to cut down her enemy & this ability after use, does leave her very tired & disturbed. This ability is not one she likes to talk about, but those who have spiritual energy & or power can see an aura around her. If you watch the films, & see her in the main battles, you might actually understand better what I am talking about.: HEALING BLOOD: in some verses, the phoenix blood actually has healing properties to it. It is able to heal almost any form of injury & it is highly valuable to those who know about it. Because of it, when Mulan is aware of her powers & bloodline, she will rarely tell others about this ability, along with being able to resurrect someone from the dead, because she knows that it will put a target upon her back.
: NIGHTMARES: because of the ability to hear the voices of the dead, she has nightmares from all of her past lives, of battles and hearing the voices of those of whom she has killed. Because of this, she does not sleep very often & it usually takes her sleeping with a loved one (aka her significant other ) to quiet the voices & help her sleep longer. At most on her own, she can sleep up to 3 hours a night, but usually less.
: PHOENIX MANIFESTATION (Guāng) : The phoenix itself is a powerful force, It is not only a spiritual guide, but also something that she can rely upon when needed & her own strength is not enough. She is able to physically have it manifest from her very being, and it lives inside of her, whispering thoughts and also able to come out to help her fight. It uses the tattoo.
She physically brings out the manifestation itself. The phoenix is a creature that can be summoned with the correct training & used in a battle situation, aka FIRE POWER.The phoenix itself is a female as it is part of her soul, and she has named it Guāng which in Chinese means "Light" or "Glory".
: LONGEVITY: This is verse-dependent obviously, however Mulan is capable thanks to the phoenix abilities of staying young looking as well as living for a long period of time. This is limiting though because there are ways to kill a phoenix; one of them is based on my own lore, of a special dagger made out of white jade, blessed by high spiritually powered monks.


of a phoenix .

: BLESSED WHITE JADE: As a cultural reference, certain jades can bring about great strength for healing and some that make one grow weak. White Jade, while known for its beauty, messes with the flow of Mulan's qi, often time resulting in her feeling weakened.For the effects to diminish her flame ability, it must be blessed by a priest or priestess, though the strong their power, the stronger the effects that it takes on her body.Mulan , when in the mists of being near or having it touch her body, will feel a great weakness to her, often resulting in dizzy spells, and her body feeling cold for once. On more then one occasion she has passed out from its affects and gods verse, had chains made of it to repress her power during the first of her curse.: PHOENIX DAGGERS: As you know phoenix have the ability to go through the cycle of rebirth, but can be difficult to kill to send to the next life. Because of this, only one such dagger can be made in existence, as it takes a great deal to make the effects.The dagger is a weapon created by those of extremely high power: High Priestess/Priest or a Monk who holds a gift given to them by the gods. They would need to enchant words during the forging process, the blessing and curse placed in ancient characters to stop the flames from consuming.To make it, it needs to be made of White Jade, with no other metals touching it, for it lessons the effects.

   Red Strings of Fate     

relationships to mulan .

   please feel free       to ask Mulan about the bonds she has made with others.
I will most likely reference these muses in threads.

   Lan Sizhui     

the azure dragon .

  • Default Exclusive Ship

  • Friend Lover Boyfriend Husband soul-mate

  •    blog & tags       battleguqin Ship

  •    face claim       Zheng Fanxing.

   Rand al'Thor     

the dragon reborn .

  • Exclusive Ship

  • Friend Lover Boyfriend

  •    blog & tags       caracarnn Ship

  •    face claim       Josha Stradowski.

   Kurosaki Ichigo     

the Shinigami .

  • Exclusive Ship

  • friend training partner lover

  •    blog & tags       orangeshinigami Ship

  •    face claim       Manga + Anime & Sota Fukushi.

   Queen Anna     

of arendelle .

  • Exclusive

  • Best friend adoptive sister

  •    blog & tags       sparesovereign connection

  •    face claim       Disney's Animation & Elizabeth Lail.

   Lara Jean Wesker     

the letter writer .

  • Exclusive

  • Best Friend Honored Sister

  •    blog & tags       lcvelj connection

  •    face claim       Jeon So-Mi.

   Mat Cauthon     

general of the light .

  • Exclusive

  • Ally Friend

  •    blog & tags       luckhissoul connection

  •    face claim       Josha Stradowski.

   Urameshi Yusuke    

the girl who leapt through time .

  • Main Ship

  • friend fighting partner boyfriend

  •    blog & tags       thuganomxcs Ship

  •    face claim       Takumi Kitamura.

   Luo Binghe     

the demon king .

  • Main Ship

  • friend lover fiancé

  •    blog       abyssrisen

  •    face claim       Xu Kai.

 Higurashi Kagome   

the girl who leapt through time .

  • Main

  • Best Friend Honored Sister Ally

  •    blog & tags       ka-go-me connection

  •    face claim       Manga + Anime + Fan Art.

 Higurashi Kagome   

the girl who leapt through time .

  • Main

  • Best Friend Honored Sister Ally

  •    blog       Heartsacrosstime

  •    face claim       Manga + Anime + Fan Art.


goddess of the moon .

  • Main

  • Cherished Friend

  •    blog & tags       caelestcs connection

  •    face claim       Ju Jingyi.

   Jiang Xiao Yu     

the martial artist .

  • Main

  • Friend Ally

  •    blog       swordswept

  •    face claim       Chen Zhe Yuan.

 Daenerys Targaryen 

mother of dragons .

  • Main

  • Ally Friend Sworn Queen

  •    blog       incissam

  •    face claim       Emilia Clarke.

   Mat Cauthon     

princess of dragonstone .

  • Main

  • Ally Friend

  •    blog       incissam

  •    face claim       Milly Alcock.

   Urameshi Yusuke    

grand master of demonic cultivation .

  • Main

  • Friend

  •    blog       destroyedsectheir

  •    face claim       Ju Jingyi.

   Nie Huaisang     

leader of the winghe nie clan .

  • Main

  • ally friend "uncle fairy"

  •    blog       cuckoo-among-beasts

  •    face claim       Ji Li.

   Logan Finnegan     

master sergeant .

  • Main

  • ally friend

  •    blog       ssolessurvivor

  •    face claim       Dominic Sherwood.

   Future Muse     

標題 .

  • Main Exclusive

  • Status Status

  •    blog       url

  •    face claim       .

   Future Muse     

標題 .

  • Main Exclusive

  • Status Status

  •    blog       url

  •    face claim       .

   Future Muse     

標題 .

  • Main Exclusive

  • Status Status

  •    blog       url

  •    face claim       .

   Realm of the Warrior     

verses of mulan .

   please feel free       to choose a verse that works best for you & your muses.      but also know that I am more then happy to create a new world with you & Mulan.   important for all verses             Mulan will have influences by traditional chinese culture, as it is part of her heritage. please be aware there are times where I will test what works & what does not, especially for verses such as wheel of time, naruto, bleach, ASOIAF, where china is not specifically mentioned.

   Tales of a Warrior    

16+ | open | default.

  status   former farm girl, soldier / warrior / war general.
  species   human-phoenix
Following a mixture of lore, movies and novel series, this verse will primarily be Mulan be in the military. At sixteen years old, Mulan found herself taking her father's place within the war front and trying to keep her secret of the fact that she is a young woman. the story follows a course of her story throughout the military experience until after she saved China and in turn agreed after the second offer to join within the military ranks, and learn to become an imperial agent. For the next two years, Mulan trained with the best of the best, honing and mastering her skills within the martial world and learning languages as well as how to act within the court. At eighteen years old, Mulan graduated from the program, becoming one of the youngest agents to complete the training program and on her way to becoming a war general.  note  : in some verses Mulan might already be a war general at the age of eighteen and will be traveling around to different kingdoms upon the emperors request.

 Tales of a Modern Era   

16+ | open | default.

  status   former farm girl who is studying computer science
  species   human-phoenix
Despite being born as the second daughter of a war general, Mulan grew up on a poor farm. until her fourteenth birthday. Mulan, due to family issues, had found herself leaving her families farm. She works part time for the most part, trying to save enough while going to school.Mulan will be on her way to college, trying to pursuing a degree in computer science, in the hopes to be come a game developer. She will do a lot of her own sketches, mostly in the style of xianxia.PS: only if she is not in China (as it is blocked since late September 2018) will she have a twitch channel which she sometimes interacts with those who follow her.  social media  : she is on Instagram & Weibo.

 Tales of an Imperial Princess 

16+ | open

  status   second princess
  species   human-phoenix
Born as the second born daughter of the Emperor Hua Zhao, who is one of the four emperors of china, Mulan has always known that she is one of the potential three heirs. Her kingdom is within the southern nation, known for its warmth, beauty and warfare.Since she was a little girl, she had taken an interest within the martial world, training in secret to better serve her country and her people, hoping to be their protector.She has no interest in the crown itself, though she is one out of the two who were born of royalty on both side, but instead wants to see her kingdom united with the others for peace.However trouble brews within her own kin, her elder sister, Hua Daiyu (an OC i write), has been involved with dark magic & wants to awaken the dark gods of old to plunge the world into a dark age, while her younger half sister is eager to be married off and enjoy a life away from the war-like kingdom.  note  : this verse is still under construction, please note that she is not eager for marriage as she knows that either she will be married off to another kingdom, or her future husband will become the emperor of her kingdom.

   Legend of the Phoenix     

before the curse    16 through 5,421 | open | default

  trigger warnings   Violence, death and pain will be present in this verse.
  status   Goddess of Reincarnation (the balancer of life and death), God of War.
  species   primordial phoenix goddess.
Born as the daughter to a god of war and general of the heavenly realm, Mulan from a young age was introduced to warfare. from the day she could walk, he began her training, in the hopes that one day she could serve the Jade Emperor with pride.Upon her sixteenth year, she had achieved already a high level of cultivation, allowing her to join her father upon the field of battle as a solider. yet as fate would have it, the war had turned nearly for the worst, her father sustaining a injury that impacted his core. not wishing to loose him, Mulan stepped in, unleashing her potential and overcoming the tides and winning the battle.Upon the return to the heavenly realm, her father announced his retirement, for he did not wish to be treated for his wounds and instead listen to his wife and take time for himself to heal. Called forward, Mulan during her bow to the Emperor was appointed the title of God of War to take the place of her father and lead take lead of the heavens army to protect the three realms.From then on, she took her duties seriously the first three years of her appointed service nearly overwhelming as she learned how to navigate her way while also bringing honor to her position. Within time, her popularity grew, for she was known by her enemies in fear, but to her allies and those who served under her for her loyalty and bravery. Often times she took it upon herself to protect those who served with her, more then not taking the damage that was meant for them so that they could live to see another day.  note   if you would like to explore this verse, please feel free to add some thought to it, as I am always willing to expand and hone this verse better. It is important to know that this part of the verse is before she is cursed, and thus has her full set of powers, before it became restricted.

   Legend of the Phoenix     

cursed era    5,421 through 5,621 ( when the curse broke )

  trigger warnings   Violence, death and pain will be present in this verse.
  status   Goddess of Reincarnation (the balancer of life and death), God of War.
  species   primordial phoenix goddess.
For years, Mulan served as a God of War to better protect the heavenly realm. Yet, despite her many victories, she had made many enemies.One of them had become the emperor himself, for she had grown powerful in her time due to her popularity. It did not help matters that she continued to reject suitors, two of them being the Emperors' concubine or the crown princes' wife.Upon one of her times away, the crown prince was found murdered and when she returned to try and investigate, she was accused of causing his death. Arrested, she was tried for treason, evidence piling against her despite the fact she had not been around nor had any connections to his death.For weeks she was tortured to try and be forced into confessing, though she refused no matter the levels of pain. Finally, upon one fateful night, a high priest used a forbidden spell upon her to separate her core energy using ancient runes carved into her skin. The pain was overwhelming, as her soul separated into two and her true self sealed.With the ritual completed, she was brought to heavens gate, her body weary and tired from the sealing and torture she underwent. She listened with bitterness as the heavenly emperor decreed her crimes before casting her from heavens gate down to the mortal realm to face lifetimes of the cycle of death and rebirth, only allowed half of her power should the fates allow it.  note   if you would like to explore this verse, please feel free to add some thought to it, as I am always willing to expand and hone this verse better. It is important to know that this part of the verse is before she is cursed, and thus has her full set of powers, before it became restricted.

   Tales of an Assassin     

16+ | open

  trigger warnings   Violence, death and pain will be present in this verse.
  status   assassin / business woman
  species   human-phoenix
Born as the second daughter to an assassin clan that works for the triad, Mulan was raised to kill. She spent years honing her skill as a master assassin, learning to hunt within the night and hide in plane sight. Her father used her innocent looks to give her the keys to success, while also investing time to teach her the fine arts of dance, singing and charm. Upon her sixteenth year, she had already succeeded on many solo missions, bringing honor to her family name. Within the day, she appeared to be like any other online student, the courses needed since she spent too much time away from the schools to attend her classes. Yet among her people she was known as the "fènghuáng", a girl as merciless as her bloodline. This remained true for some time, for she did not allow any near her heart to know that she had little love for her occupation, nor the nightmares that plagued her mind when sleep finally came for her.  code of honor  
: pregnant women and children are off limits. no harm will come to them, and she will place them under her protection, especially if she finds out if there is a hit on them.
: she will not hurt animals.
: if she finds out you have lied to her, she will cancel the contract and you will not only have to pay the full amount, but depending on the lie, you might end up becoming the hunted.
: if you betray her and she finds out, you best pray to your ancestors for forgiveness, because she will show no mercy.
: if you no longer wish to go through with this, you must show proof you are not going elsewhere and no lie has been committed. if so, she will refund you.
: You pay half first and half upon completion, yet if she refuses to continue, depending on the reason, she will return the pay in full.

   Legend of the Dark Phoenix     

5,421 through 5,621 (when the curse broke) | open

  trigger warnings   Violence, death and pain will be present in this verse.
  status   Goddess of Reincarnation (the balancer of life and death), God of War.
  species   primordial phoenix goddess.
This verse is a alt to the cursed one. Due to the fact that the ritual did not turn out well, Mulan was cursed into becoming a half demoness.Filled with anger and rage, she began to see the heavenly realm and those who sat upon the throne as the real villains. upon this realization, she went to the demon realm and began to help form the armies together in order to help overthrow the heavens and once more bring peace to the realms, all the while taking her revenge.  note  : if you would like to explore this verse, please feel free to add some thought to it, as I am always willing to expand and hone this verse better. It is important to know that this part of the verse is before she is cursed, and thus has her full set of powers, before it became restricted.

   Tales of a Demoness     

16+ | open

  hair color   Winter White
  eye color   Appears to be black, but is dark brown, when powers are activated they turn blood red.
  status   demoness of Reincarnation (the balancer of life and death), Demoness.
  species   primordial phoenix demon.
Born of demon and a goddess, Mulan from birth was destined to rule the realm of the spirits. she is the grand daughter of the great King Yama, and has helped him collect the souls for the afterlife. However, due to her connection to the land of the living, thanks to her mother, who was born of the heavenly realm, she is able to travel to the land of mortals, often times finding herself curious of the culture and customs. However, there is a slight setback, as she has yet to master the ability to blend in with the human's, her white hair often giving her away of her demonic spirit, resulting in her being hunted by Cultivator's.

   Tales of a Cultivator     

the untamed    16+ | open | default

  status   Cultivator, Demonic Cultivator.
  species   human-phoenix.
  city   Yunmeng
  cultivator palace   Lotus Pier
  clan   Jiang Clan
  attire   while Mulan does where the lotus pier coloring of purple, there will be times where she wears pastel pinks and blues.
  spiritual weapons   she will primarily fight with a white ribbon that has attuned to her core and can handle both the heavenly flames and the hells flames should she activate it while it is in use. This spirit weapon is located on her right wrist and named "白莲 Bái Lián (white lotus)"
At sixteen years old, her father gifted her the family sword, which was made to handle fighting demonic cultivation as it was a gift from her grandfather to her father when he first joined the sect. The swords name is "明月 Míng Yuè (Bright Moon)"  backstory   Mulan since her birth has been able to see the spirits of those who have passed. As she grew, the power grew to the point where she could see, touch and communicate with the dead. As such, people within her village gave her the nickname of ghost girl and feared her for her gifts. They teased her, but she paid them little mind as she had found friendship in the spirits that she helped.Despite the warnings of her father, Mulan continued to help the spirits, not realizing the dangers that it could hold until it was too late.at six years of age, she ran into her first demonic problem, for she had thought it was a woman in need, and went to go help her, the demoness took her and tried to leave. luckily for the young child, a cultivator had helped her and brought her home, to which her father became more strict in the hopes that she would lose the abilities she was born with.At seven years old, the final incident took place during winter. her elder sister Daiyu had convinced young Mulan to go out with her, but it was to a frozen lake. at the lake, a demon broke through the ice and dragged the young girl down under the water. as her vision turned hazy, she blacked out not realizing that her phoenix core had activated and brought forth the hell flames to free her and help her back to the surface.Realizing that he could no longer protect her, Zhao made the call to bring her to his former sect and let her begin her path as a cultivator.  timeline   Mulan is fifteen years old when Wei Wuxian returned. She has been part of the sect for 8 years by this point and is a junior disciple.For the most part, unless otherwise asked for, I will default to when Mulan is eighteen years old, so 3 years after the events.

   Tales of a Cultivator     

other cultivation lore    16+ | selective

  status   Cultivator, Demonic Cultivator.
  species   human-phoenix.
  location   Southern Region of China, near the entrance of the Demon Realm.
  providence   Guizhou, China
  cultivator palace   qing palace ( the forbidden city ).
  clan   White Lotus
  clan colors   pastel blue
  about the clan   the clan sits as a first defense against a demonic invasion as they sit upon the hells gates. As such they are proficient demonic cultivators and majority of them are Yang users.Born with the ability to see the spirits of those who have passed, mulan has been haunted by demons and spirits alike since birth. Her father was once a member of this clan, before leaving to join the service of the emperors army, believing he could do more to help his country and his people. However, upon learning of his daughter’s gifts he brought her to his former sect to teach her the ways of cultivation. Since childhood she has made a name for herself, as she is gifted both in martial arts and spiritual guide.

   Tales of Arkham Miskatonic     

18+ | open

  status   former farm girl who is studying computer science
  species   human-phoenix
verse information to come... but note for now that this verse takes place in Arkham Miskatonic University, where Mulan is attending school for computer science during the day and by night, trying to help the supernatural world.

   Wheel of Time     

18+ | open

  status   Former War General, Traveler
  species   human-phoenix
  species   across the sea from Lanzhou, China.
Mulan is a young woman who is a channeler, but does not often draw upon her gifts as they are not fully known to her. she passes off the gift as a warrior sense, and often relies upon it in battle to feel the energy around her. there has been few instances in which she has used her flame, but decided despite on where it was she was born, to keep it to herself. Born across the sea from the mainlands, she was taught at a young age how to fight by her father, a skill she later took with her when she stole his armor and took his place in one of the many warfronts. upon her service, Mulan spent two years training with elite, honing her skills until she decided she had enough. Stealing into the night, Mulan took passage on a ship to begin her travels, wanting to experience the world rather then live her life for the sake of war.  please note   I have not read the novel series as of now, but I have watched the tv show. I am the type of person who reads spoilers, and I adore this series. so please, feel free to spoil & explain things about your muse or things you think I should change in this verse.

   Star Wars     

16+ | open

  status   Padawan, Jedi Knight & or a Bounty Hunter.
  species   Human-Force User.
  birthplace   Tion Cluster from the Outer Rim.
  jedi master   Tung Yong
  backstory   From the time she could remember, Mulan had once lived in a farmland owned by her father. He once told her a story, of how he was a war general, who had served well, but needed to find a moment of peace. From the time she could walk, he had her training, his primary focus being within movements and learning how to take down her enemies.  verse of a padawan   At six years of age, Mulan was taken from her home planet by those who claimed to be bounty hunters, after having struck a deal with her father. She does not remember much of her life there, save few memories of her father's teachings. Unknown to her, she had been taken in by the slave trade to be sold on Byss. However, before the transaction could be completed, she was found by a Jedi Knight and his Padawan learner. Realizing she had the gift of the force, they took her to to become a Jedi youngling in one of the nearby Jedi Outposts. After some years, and training, Mulan at the age of fifteen was taken in by Jedi Yen Inek, before the beginning of the Clone Wars.  verse of the empire   depending on the time period, Mulan’s father or grandfather was a former jedi knight, who escaped order 66 and found himself in hiding. Deciding on a place to stay, he eventually met a farm girl within the outer rim & decided to start a family, hoping that none of his heirs would be able to commune with the force. However, upon an early age, Mulan found herself able to do impossible things, things that the other villagers thought merely was pure luck. Her family knew better and worried that somehow the Empire would find out and try and take her from them to join the dark side or worse, kill her. Because of their fear, the kept the fact of her abilities from her, often lecturing her to hide who she was & to focus mainly on either mele fighting or taking care of the farm.

   A Song of Ice and Fire     

16+ | open

  status   Former Farm Girl, Soldier, Former War General
  species   human-phoenix
  birthplace   Yi TiDaughter of a war general, Mulan grew up as a poor farm girl, who enjoyed spending time in the forest and helping her family take care of the farmlands. However, upon her sixtieth birth year, war broke out and her father was called into battle, despite unable to fight due to an old war wound to his leg. Not wishing to lose her father, or watch her family be torn apart, for there were no other males, she stole her father's armor and entered into the war in his place posing as a man. After winning the war, she revealed herself as a woman, but because she was a hero, she received the honor of joining the military, where she furthered her education and served for two years during her training. Depending on the interactions, after some time of serving, Mulan will either choose to travel the realms, hoping to learn more as a free woman, trying to find her place or travel on behalf of the emperor.  note   I have not read the novel full novel series, I only got to book too and then got distracted, but I have watched the tv show. I am the type of person who reads spoilers, and I adore this series. so please, feel free to spoil & explain things about your muse or things you think I should change in this verse.

   Wizarding World     

16+ | open

  status   Student, later an Auror
  species   witch-phoenix
  please note   this blog is anti JK Rolling.  wizarding school while in china   Fènghuáng school of witchcraft and wizardry. A magical school that was founded in 1600 bce. it is located on the top of Badaling mountain in Beijing, china. it's emblem is the Fenghuang, a type of Chinese phoenix, which also gives it its name. It is the oldest known wizarding school.
  house   Qilin - heart, loyalty, compassion, just in order to be sorted, a student walks into the center of a room with high walls. each of these walls depict one of the four house animals. The student touches his or her hand on each one of the animals in turn. whichever image glows, the student belongs in that house. If more than one image glows, than the student decides which house he or she will be in. If all four images glow, which has almost never happened, then it rests with the student to make the final decision.
  fimilar   a phoenix named, Huang (bright, shining, luminous).  hogwarts house   Hufflepuff.
  wand   Rowan wood with a phoenix feather core, 12 ¾" and slightly yielding flexibility. However, given her family status and because she wished to maintain honor to her family name, Mulan was taught how to wield her power without the use of the wand.
Mulan is a young witch who comes from a line of purebloods. Her mother died in childbirth with her, something in which her father has yet to recover from. Her elder sister, upon leaving her school years ended up betraying her family, joining within the dark arts and choosing to inflict pain, rather then keep her families name, as her father is a well known Auror. Because of this, a lot of pressure was placed upon Mulan to do well in school, to learn the crafts in order to follow within her father’s footsteps and bring honor to the family name. When Mulan was four years old, her father remarried though this time choosing to break tradition and marry a woman who was a muggle. Soon after their wedding, Mulan became an older sister, one of which took after her new step mother and remained within the muggle world.

   Arthurian Legends     

bb merlin    18+ | open

  status   General or Former War General.
  species   Human-Phoenix.
  verse idea one   Having won the war at the age of sixteen, Mulan was rewarded by joining the ranks of honorable warriors. For two years time, she trained night and day, honing her skills in battle, winning wars in the emperors name and training within the art of language as well as battle strategies. After two years, she advanced in her carrier well enough to take hold of the title of war general, a warrior which of whom the emperor himself granted the rights to be his personal hand and oversee business far and wide. As such, she was granted leave, ordered to help protect those of whom the emperor had sent to meet with foreign lands for talks of trade where she happened upon the Kingdom of Camelot.  verse idea two   Similar to Part One, Mulan is a former war general who left the service of her kingdom, as she did not want to remain as a butcher who killed in the emperors name. Instead, she longed for a place to be her true self and serve in pride should she find a crown honorable enough to offer her service.


18+ | open

  status   General.
  species   Human-Phoenix.
  verse idea one   As a General within the Emperors army, Mulan has been sent on a diplomatic mission to help protect her fellow diplomats as they arrange for trade within London. While there, she learns about their society and their culture, while serving her country.  verse idea two   information to be added as soon as I get a brain...


15+ or 5,621 | open

  species   Human-Phoenix.
  note   i do not have a manhua / animated faceclaim.
  verse idea one   Born in the realm of the immortals, Mulan was once a god of war and is a Phoenix goddess. She served within the heavenly realm as a warrior, sworn to keep the peace between the heavens, mortal, demon realms and soul society. However, she was betrayed by those she trusted most - the very immortals that she had protected who tore apart her soul and inflicted two curses upon her. In their judgement, she was cursed as the Sōkyoku where she was given to the soul society to be used as a weapon.For a long time she stayed within that form, trapped and in pain. That was until the day that Ichigo freed her and she made her escape.Now back in her human form, she is trying to once more regain herself so that she may return to her family and put an end to the corruption.  verse idea two   Born within the soul society, Mulan is the granddaughter of King Yama ( King Yan ), who is the god of the dead and ruler of the diyu. Through his reign, she has lived and trained within the soul world, taking after father who held the gift to be a soul reaper and soon joining within the academy. Because of her status and connection to the dead, she rarely gets to go out into the living world, for her grandfather has plans to use her as his heir.


16+ | open

  status   Kunoichi.
  species   Human-Phoenix.
  note   i do not have a manhua / animated faceclaim.
  village   Village Hidden in the Grass | Kusagakure.The country borders on the Land of Fire in the east, the Land of Earth in the northwest, Takigakure in the north and Amegakure in the south.  mastered techniques   Mulan has mastered the following Fire Release's; Phoenix Sage Fire Technique, and Phoenix Sage Flower Nail Crimson.However, as she has the phoenix sealed within her, she also has other abilities, which can be found here.  former teammates   Chien-Po, Chen Honghui and Yao.


16+ & or 50+ | open

  status   Student or Former War General
  species   Demon / Human-Phoenix..
  note   i do not have a manhua / animated faceclaim.
  modern era   Following the modern verse, Mulan moved to Japan when she was fourteen years old and enrolled in one of the junior high school, before attending high school in Tokyo, Japan. There she joined within the residency program and worked part time while enjoying the school life, unaware of her inherited demonic bloodline. She tries to make the most of her school time, yet is unsure of what it is she wants to do for her future and instead focus on after school work, and or hanging out with the few friends she has made.  feudal era   has demonic blood within her veins. she is a phoenix born creature who, like many other demons, can live forever. She can die, however, like all phoenix's, she goes through a process of rebirth & might lose her memories of the past. Based within the federal era, Mulan has served as a warrior and general within the Emperor's army, which follows along side the main verse storyline. During her travels under his ruling, she has scene a great deal of war and bloodshed, making her wonder if she was truly serving the right cause or bringing more pain. After years of service, she decided to "retire" and spend her days traveling, hoping to bring some comfort to the humans who seemed to suffer around her. After some time traveling, word had reached her that the Sacred Jewel shard was back into play, causing an upscale in violence's as both demons and humans alike used it for gain. Realizing that she had the power to make a difference, Mulan began to search for missing pieces, not because she wants them for herself, but because she wants to keep them out of the wrong hands.

   Kingdom Hearts     

16+ | open

  status   Soldier, General.
  species   Human-Phoenix.
  note   i do not have a manhua / animated faceclaim.
Mulan has met sora, donald and goofy and has worked with them before in trying to defeat the heartless and protect china. she continues the fight, hoping to aid them in anyway that she can, hoping that the three can bring peace once more to the realms.Depending on the muns of other blogs, I am open to Mulan leaving china / her planet in order to travel in and to help stop the darkness from spreading.  side note   Mulan does not wield a keyblade, however she is still a phoenix and as such retains the traits and powers of one.


17+ or 5,621 | open

  status   Soldier, Warrior, War General.
  species   Human-Phoenix.
  geography & climate   Zerrikania is situated between the fiery mountains to the north and great Korath desert in the south. it can be reached from the Elskerdeg pass through the famed wastelands. Descending from the mountains, one would first enter the thick, primeval forest, only to eventually cross it and reach dry steppes, deserts and barren plateaus of the continent's interior. one such plateau is "broken" by a huge canyon up to 3 km deep. the canyon is basically a gigantic oasis hosting a unique microclimate due to its shadow's cooling effect and multiple sources of freshwater, often in form of waterfalls. All of this makes the growth of rainforest possible and provides habitats for several exotic creatures as well as human settlements. The distance from one end of the gorge to the other is 5 days of journeny. Zerrikanian society is comprised of a number of ethnicities and races. while humans seem to be prevalent, the national language is at least partially derived from elder speech and existence of dwarves and other nonhumans is not unheard of. People are powerfully built, well adapted to harsh environment. their skin tone ranges from swarthy to black, and their hair from fair to dark. a common practice involves tattooing bodies; each tattoo follows a code, denoting a specific meaning.Born within a land far from the soils of the mainland, Mulan found herself born as a simple farm girl, completely unware of her spirit and the energy of the fenghuang residing deep within her soul. she grew up learning tales of monsters and men, and songs of witcher’s who served as a bridge to protect and destroy. As she grew, so did her powers, the first tale of her fire blooming when she was a six year old child who got lost within the woods, attacked by a creature of the night. with a cry as her fire burned the creature she had run home, her father displeased that his preparations of hiding her power failed. upon this time, he and her sister began her training, making sure that should something arise again she was better prepared for whatever future might lay ahead. Upon her sixteenth year, a threat of war called upon her father, old war injuries making it clear that though he was skilled, he would not return to his position of honor as a general and instead sent to die. her step mother warned her and her younger sister, the elder long since left when she was fourteen. Mulan, knowing that her father was needed where he was, took it upon herself to take his place. after years away and careful honing of her powers, Mulan began her travels towards other places, knowing that she could no longer return home for her gifts prevented and her father’s wards made it clear on his stance of her place. she wanted to find the meaning of life and to understand other cultures around her and so leaving the army behind, she began her travels of exploring.  note   taking from Chinese history and lore, the creatures are more from the spiritual realms. some call them gifts while others spirits both good and bad. dragons where to be worshiped, so her being there seeing a lot of them hunted is a change, though I'm pretty sure that there were those who hunted in her world too, considering there were demons that prayed on the human souls.

   Mortal Insturments     

17+ | open

  species   Human-Phoenix.
  note   this verse follows the storytelling of Cassandra Clare’s novel series the mortal instruments, it will have very little book influence & will be subject for updates at any given time.
  verse idea one   Mulan is the very Mulan of legend. she served the empire long ago and fought in many battles. unaware at the time, she was a phoenix born girl, who had the powers & spirit of the phoenix living inside of her. it was this phoenix that drove her to do well in battle, helped guide her blade & make her one of the strongest warriors in history. however, like all great tales, tragedy struck, & Mulan's time came to an end. however, when she passed on, the phoenix inside of her fully awoke, and she was reborn again. sometime, each time, she lost a memory of her past & each time she awoke again. sometimes bits and pieces remained & if she did not die, she would live a long life considering that the phoenix is immortal.
in modern times, she lives in china, traveling often to visit her downworlder friends.
  verse idea two    species   Nephilim ( Shadowhunter ).part of a secretive race of beings who are humans born with angel blood. she has been trained since birth to fight demons and have lived alongside downworlders ( shadow world ). as part of her mandate to keep the peace; she along with her ancestors have been charged to keep the shadow world hidden from the mundane, all the while protecting the inhabitants of both. considering that she comes from angelic bloodline, Mulan is still mortal & is vulnerable to old age & death. yet, since she has angelic blood as well, she is also gifted with special abilities to be able to achieve feats no mortal could ever do. unlike many of her kind, Mulan’s family get’s along well with the shadow world. mostly, due to her culture, they have a strong believe in balance within all things & in turn, try to create the balance between both worlds. taught from a young age to respect all, Mulan does not see the “species” or “race” of another, only the marks of their deeds.based on that philosophy, the hua clanMulan continues to practice a fair trail. they continue this practice by bringing in any who are accused and try to launch an investigation to see what really happened & why they might have acted out before giving their verdict. considering her family history, she will more often then not spend time with downworlders & come to an understanding of their culture & habits.  stationed in ny   while primarily, she will be within china, Mulan at one point will be posted to the new york institute to help where she can. there, she tries her best to remain true to herself while there.

   Once Upon A Time     

17+ | open

  status   War General, waitress, student.
  species   Human-Phoenix.
  important note   as much as I love the show, once upon a time, aka OUAT ( jamie chung is a goddess & I LOVE EVERYTHING she is in ), this blog will not be following Mulan’s storyline within it, as I do not agree with the choices made. that being said, for those who wish to plot in this verse, please read the following information & let’s plot together or just send me a meme asking for this verse & ill gladly write up something. I will also be using my own lore for this verse, unless otherwise asked for.  before the curse   Mulan has always been different from the other girls within her village. Having been born as the middle child, to a general father who’s family owned a farm, she had lost her mother at birth, leaving her often feeling like an outcast due to the fact it was frowned upon within the society and seen as bad luck. Her eldest sister, who was ten years her senior, struggled to find common ground with her, except for the training both received by their father’s hand in martial arts and reading. When she was two, her father had remarried, thinking that his two daughters would learn to get along with his new wife and they would have a mother once more. however, considering Mulan’s struggles of learning the crafts of womanhood, and lack of skills within creating fabrics and cooking, she often times fund herself struggling and would find herself in arguments with her new mother. At four years old, she became an older sister, her father once more disappointed in the fact that he did not have a male heir to inherit his name. Through the years of growing, because her father held no heir, he taught his two eldest the ways of war, their training beginning young and often used against one another as their fights starting petty began to grow more serious. however, it did not take long for her sister to grow tired of being around their family, and upon her leaving, Mulan found herself needing to become the main source of help around the farm, considering her father’s injury. Years later, at the tender age of sixteen years old, upon the learn of the invasion, Mulan stole her father’s armor and horse, bound her breasts and styled her hair of that of a boy and joined the warfront, eager to save her father and family the heartache of loosing him, and longing to just make it out alive. there, she felt a shift within herself, a spiritual awakening of a gift she had never known existed, for she was always taught to repress her true nature and hide her skills as a warrior. after winning the war, she had come back to find herself an extended invitation to join the emperors agents, learning to become one of the greatest warriors by those who mastered all skills within the arts. Finding herself needing to agree, she bid farewell to her father, this time without sneaking away and found herself training for two years to master her skillset and growing powers.  during the curse   Cursed Name: Feng Lian
Occupation: student that works part time at one of the local stores in in Storybrook to earn extra money.
Living Situation: apartment living, may or may not have a roommate. Mulan has no recollection of her life within the enchanted kingdom and or her history with china and being a hero. For the most part she keeps to herself, studying hard and or sitting at granny’s diner because she cannot cook for herself, and finds their place to be more relaxing then anywhere else. There, she works on some of her sketch work, which she calls her dreambook, due to the fact she gets vivid dreams, and or nightmares of both her past life. in it, she can never draw herself clearly, but there is works of others inside.
  after the curse   Mulan remembering who she is, has opted to try and help both the town and of course the Charming's figure out a way to help. though she no longer wears her traditional gear unless somehow winding up back within her world, she now adorns more modern style clothing, making it easier for her to fight and her old blade upon her hip as she helps to travel around and keep people safe, as well as figure out how to stop one of the latest threats.

   Kin of the Phoenix     

family of Hua Mulan .

   please feel free       please note Mulan's family members are going to be mostly OC based. I do write one of them my multi-muse blog & have a bio for the other, but they are part of my lore & history.

   King Yama     

祖父  .

  • OCChinese Lore Based

  • Paternal Grandfather

  •   age      timeless.

  •   relationship status      she has never met him.

  •   faceclaim      none.

   Hua Chyou     

祖母 .

  • OCChinese Lore Based

  • Paternal Grandmother

  •   age      76+

  •   relationship status      close while she is alive.

  •   faceclaim      Xiaoli Fang.

   Zheng Zhi Peng     

祖父  .

  • OCChinese Lore Based

  • Maternal Grandfather

  •   age      52 (When he passed away)

  •   relationship status      they have never met as he passed away 4 years after Daiyu was born.

  •   faceclaim      Tony Leung.

   Zhang Shi     

祖母 .

  • OCChinese Lore Based

  • Maternal Grandmother

  •   age      76+

  •   relationship status      estranged due to the fact she disowned mulan when she was born.

  •   faceclaim      Xu Di.

   Hua Zhou     

父親 .

  • Canon Divergent & Chinese Lore Based

  • Father

  •   age      60+ (modern) | 10,038+ (god)

  •   relationship status      close, however at times it seems strained.

  •   written on      antihxroiism.

  •   faceclaim      Chen Kun.

   Hua Hsien     

母親 .

  • OCChinese Lore Based

  • Biological Mother

  •   age      23 ( When she passed away ) | 9,988+ ( goddess )

  •   relationship status      they never met as Hsien passed away in childbirth.

  •   written on      antihxroiism.

  •   faceclaim      Wan Qian.

   Hua Li     

後媽 .

  • Canon Divergent & Chinese Lore Based

  • Stepmother

  •   age      40+

  •   relationship status      entrained as they do not see eye-to-eye.

  •   faceclaim      Zeng Li.

   Zheng Ruo Xuan     

大叔 .

  • OCChinese Lore Based

  • Maternal First Uncle

  •   age      50+

  •   relationship status      entrained as he honors his mother's wishes to not speak to mulan.

  •   faceclaim      Hu Bing.

   Zheng Hongliang     

二叔 .

  • OCChinese Lore Based

  • Maternal Second Uncle

  •   age      45+

  •   relationship status      entrained as he honors his mother's wishes to not speak to mulan.

  •   faceclaim      Cheng Lei.

   Zheng Jiahao     

三叔 .

  • OCChinese Lore Based

  • Maternal Third Uncle, Hsien's twin

  •   age      41+

  •   relationship status      faked entrained, as he is the only family on her mother's side to visit mulan & bring her gifts. He has no children of his own.

  •   faceclaim      Zhang Tianyang.

   Zheng Hui Ying     

三姨媽 .

  • OCChinese Lore Based

  • Third Aunt, wife to Zheng Jiahao

  •   age      38+

  •   relationship status      faked entrained as she joins her husband in visiting mulan while bringing her gifts. She has no children of her own.

  •   faceclaim      Song Yi.

   Hua Daiyu     

父親 .

  • OCChinese Lore Based

  • Elder Sister

  •   age      25 ( modern ) | 5,721 ( goddess )

  •   relationship status      estrained / enemies as Daiyu hates Mulan & blames her for their mother's death.

  •   written on      antihxroiism.

  •   faceclaim      Xiaoting Guo.

   Hua Xiu     

妹妹 .

  • Canon Divergent & Chinese Lore Based

  • Younger Half-Sister

  •   age      16+

  •   relationship status      very close.

  •   written on      antihxroiism.

  •   faceclaim      Zhang Miaoyi.

   Future Family     

未來的家庭 .

  • FutureFuture

  • Relation

  •   age      .

  •   relationship status      .

  •   faceclaim      .

   Future Family     

未來的家庭 .

  • FutureFuture

  • Relation

  •   age      .

  •   relationship status      .

  •   faceclaim      .

   Future Family     

未來的家庭 .

  • FutureFuture

  • Relation

  •   age      .

  •   relationship status      .

  •   faceclaim      .